Matej Bel University in Banska Bystrica
Reference47 articles.
1. ALLEN, T. J. - TAAGEPERA, R. 2017. Seat allocation in federal second chambers: Logical models in Canada and Germany. In Mathematical Social Sciences, roč. 87, 2017, ISSN 0165-4896, s. 22-30. Dostupné na internete:
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3. CEGIEŁKA, K. 2016. Degressively Proportional Apportionment of Seats in the European Parliament. From a Simple Idea to a Problematic Legal Rule. In Mathematical Economics, roč. 12, 2016, č. 19, ISSN 1733-9707, s. 15 - 30.
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5. DNIESTRZAŃSKI, P. 2011. Degressive proportionality: source, findings and discussion of the Cambridge Compromise. In Mathematical Ecomomics, roč. 7, 2011, č. 14, ISSN 1733-9707, s. 39-50.