Gopalan Madhavan,Jadhav Anita S.
The study on neurodegenerative associated disorders is of immense clinical interest. Thus in the present investigation hydrogen peroxide was chosen as a precursor to induce oxidative cell damage in the cell cultures. The pigment extracted from red beetroot (Beta vulgaris) was analyzed by quantification of betalains by HPTLC, which revealed that the extract was made of two pig-ments, red and yellow. The red pigment was quantified which was 635ng/20μl (31.75mg/ml). The total phenolics and tannic in the extracts were reported to be 0.031μg/ml and 19.232mg/ml. 200μM of H2O2 was used for ROS production. MTT assay was performed showed the H2O2 treatment resulted in a decrease of cell viability percentage by 46.75 ± 0.018. While the beetroot extract at 10mg/ml increases the cell viability percentage to 55.58± 0.020 in 30min of pre-treatment, but no significant change was observed in post-treatment. Catalase value was highest at 20mg/ml of beet extract (4229.8864μmol of H2O2 consumed/min/mg protein). LDH value 531.67μM/ml in cell lysate, whereas in the LDH exudate highest value recorded was 646.25μM/ml, Catalase exudate activity were higher in both pre and post-treated cells, values were recorded as 4229.88μmol of H2O2 consumed/min/mg protein and 4048.09μmol of H2O2 consumed/min/mg protein respective-ly. Acetylcholine esterase (AChE) activity in post-treated cells was below the H2O2 treatment. In pre-treated cells, all the cells showed lower AChE specific activity in comparison to H2O2 treated cells. The present findings from our work exhibited the protective ability of the red beetroot (Beta vulgaris) against the oxidative stress induced by hydrogen peroxide.
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