Psychological and pedagogical examination of the personality model of the future leader of the national technology initiative


Merzlyakova D. R.1ORCID


1. Udmurt State University


   Introduction. The problem of creating psychological and pedagogical conditions for the formation of the personality of the future leader of the National Technology Initiative is one of the topical areas in modern education. This issue is especially relevant in modern socio-economic conditions that require new specialists who are ready and able to create new technologies.   Materials and Methods. As the main methods, the analysis of sources on the problem under study was used, including regulatory documents, scientific articles on the research topic, as well as generalization and systematization of the data obtained. A psychological and pedagogical examination of the personality model of the future leader of the National Technology Initiative was carried out.   Results. A draft personality model of the future leader of the National Technology Initiative is outlined, built on the basis of a generalized opinion of experts. Based on the analysis of personality theories, the main criteria for the personality model of the future leader of the National Technology Initiative are determined. The algorithm of group expert assessment of the personality model of the future leader of the national technological initiative is presented. Methods for registering indicators of the formation of personality substructures of the future leader of the National Technology Initiative are pedagogical and psychological diagnostics, and expert evaluation. Trends of positive dynamics of personality development of the future leaders of the National Technology Initiative were revealed.   Discussion and Conclusions. In the work, a psychological and pedagogical examination of the personality model of the future leader of the National Technology Initiative was carried out. As a result, a draft personality model of the future leader of the National Technology Initiative was obtained, built on the basis of a generalized opinion of experts. This model included a description of the qualities of the future leader of the National Technology Initiative and a means of forming and diagnosing these qualities.


Minin University


General Medicine

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