Choosing a web service for conducting streaming lectures for engineering students


Ponachugin A. V.1ORCID


1. Minin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University (Minin University)


Introduction. The relevance of the topic is due to the massive transition of educational institutions to distance learning, caused by the pandemic of the new coronavirus infection in 2020. In this regard, educational institutions are faced with the need to choose web services for conducting training sessions in the format of webinars. The object of the research is web services used for conducting classes in a distance format. The subject of the research is the criteria for choosing a suitable web service for conducting streaming lectures. The theoretical significance of the work lies in determining the criteria for choosing a web service for streaming lectures, taking into account the specifics of the lesson. Scientific novelty – the rationale for choosing a web service for organizing continuous distance learning during a coronavirus pandemic.Materials and Methods. When writing the article, the author used empirical methods (survey of pedagogical staff of the Nizhny Novgorod region; pedagogical experiment on the basis of Minin University); theoretical (analysis of domestic and foreign literature, study of pedagogical, methodological literature and other documents, generalization, comparison, forecasting).Results. A survey of teachers in the field of teaching made it possible to determine the most popular web services that allow organizing lessons in a distance format. These services include: Webex, Zoom, Skype, MS Teams, Google meet. The main criteria to consider when choosing a web service for streaming lectures are the number of participants who can simultaneously participate in the webinar and the duration of the group video call.Discussions and Conclusions. The advanced functionality of the web services is provided with a paid license. Free versions of services for organizing streaming lectures have a number of functional limitations. Therefore, the choice of a web service is an individual process and depends on the requirements of the teacher to the educational process.


Minin University

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