Study of the formation of the professionally important qualities of a psychologist, necessary for the resocialization of adolescents exposed to religious extremist influence


Sergeev S. E.1


1. Russian State Social University


Introduction. The interest of extremist associations and destructive religious movements in the indoctrination and recruitment of adolescents is explained by the researchers by the peculiarities of age and psychosexual development, which make adolescents sensitive to entering a destructive religious cult. An adolescent is a valuable demographic and social resource for religious and political organizations professing extreme views, since it is at this age that resistance to destructive psychological influences is low as never before, while personal needs for self-expression are especially acute. Since being in a destructive religious cult often entails various disorders of psychological health and social maladjustment, adolescents are especially in need of the process of resocialization, which includes various therapeutic, corrective and rehabilitation measures aimed at restoring the socio-psychological status of former members of destructive cults. In turn, this entails the need for special training of psychologists for the implementation of this process, the identification of special professional qualities that affect the effectiveness of the resocialization process, in order to develop them in specialists in the field of social rehabilitation.Materials and Methods. The aim of the study is to identify the level of formation among psychologists of the CVC, necessary for effective resocialization of adolescents at risk. The empirical study involved 161 psychology subjects: employees of educational organizations, psychological and rehabilitation centers, private practice specialists and psychological assistance centers. The age range of the sample is from 25 to 53 years old, 94.37% of the sample were women. The conclusions were based on the results of mathematical and statistical processing of the data obtained using the computer program SPSS Statistics 22 and Excel 2016. Psychodiagnostic techniques were used: "Social norms of prosocial behavior" I.А. Furmanova, N. V. Kukhtovoy, test "SOINT" N.F. Kalina, A.S. Lazurkina, methodology “Diagnostics of the level of emotional burnout by V.V. Boyko "; methodology "Assessment of suggestiveness" O.P. Eliseev's.Results. With high indicators of prosocial behavioral attitudes, the subjects showed rather low indicators of social intelligence, low indicators of critical thinking, psychological markers of symptoms of emotional burnout, expressed in indicators of psychosomatic and psychovegetative disorders in the sphere of the emotional state of the personality of a specialist, which can reduce the ability of a specialist to show empathy, which is an important component of the structure of the professionally important qualities of a psychologist.Discussion and Conclusions. The results revealed the factors of restraining the personal and professional growth of psychologists in this area, and the effectiveness of professional activity in resocialization of adolescents, since the competence of the subjects of the resocialization system (socio-pedagogical, psychological and professional) largely determines the effectiveness of the process of resocialization of minors. The identified problems of professional self-development can be used to create and organize special conditions that contribute to the development of a system of professional competencies, indicating the areas of work of specialists.


Minin University

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