Results of a pilot study of the features of the development of valuesemantic foundations of the content of teacher education (on a sample of teachers of a pedagogical university)


Khodyrev A. M.1ORCID


1. Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushinsky


Introduction. The article outlines the current problem of mastering by students of pedagogical universities the value-semantic foundations of the content of education in the context of the ongoing modernization of pedagogical education. Particular attention should be paid to teachers of pedagogical universities, who are for students – future teachers – carriers of a professional value system and the main source of information about the value-semantic foundations of the content of pedagogical education. We identified the need to develop a methodology that allows us to quickly and objectively assess the level of teachers’ mastery of the value-semantic foundations of the content of pedagogical education.Materials and Methods. The article presents the results of testing the author's methodology “Methodology for determining the features of the development of value-semantic foundations of the content of pedagogical education,” in which teachers from Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushinsky. The purpose of the developed methodology is to identify the features of the development of the value-semantic foundations of the content of Russian pedagogical education. For meaningful validation of the developed methodology, the methodology “Diagnostics of the real structure of a person’s value orientation” by S.S. was used. Bubnova.Results. The results of testing the author’s methodology presented in the article proved its validity and reliability. In the process of content validation of the methodology, a partial correspondence between the degree of implementation of the value-semantic foundations of the content of pedagogical education and the value orientations of the individual in the conditions of real life activity is noted. At the same time, it seems important to emphasize that value positions acting as priorities are characterized by fairly high consistency and comparability. The existing inconsistencies are recorded according to those value positions that occupy relatively low places in the hierarchy of teachers’ values and in our case can be considered as manifestations of the diversity of personal meanings and their combinations in the individual consciousness.Discussion and Conclusions. The results of a pilot study of the author’s methodology using the analysis of correlations presented in the article confirm that the presented methodology can be used to study the development of the value-semantic foundations of the content of pedagogical education (on a sample of teachers at a pedagogical university).


Minin University

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