Humanitarian learning environment of the regional university as an object of monitoring and management


Siraeva M. N.1ORCID


1. Udmurt State University


Introduction. Modernization of modern higher education determines new requirements to the structure of university learning environment as a part of educational space and social environment of students and updates its humanitarian component. The strategy of training humane centered individual is documented in the fundamental documents of the world's leading universities and presupposes an adequate mechanism for assessing the quality of this environment and its key subjects. At the same time, in the context of the implementation of the concept of academic leadership, national ideas in the field of science and education, a special role in the organization of monitoring the quality of education is assigned to the regions in order to maximize the effective realization of their human, intellectual and cultural capital.Materials and Methods. In accordance with the goals and objectives of the article, the research methodology is represented by a group of theoretical (analysis and generalization of scientific literature, synthesis of the obtained information) and empirical methods (survey, questionnaire, observation). The methodological basis was shaped by research in the field of humanization of universities learning environment, quality of higher education and monitoring of higher education. The author also proceeds from the understanding of the development of the regional system of higher educational as a highly organized multilateral interactions of various participants, the main among which include governing bodies, civil society institutions, employers, students, administration of educational institutions, teaching and academic staff.Results. Performance assessment and performance monitoring of universities represent one of the main open information sources for full-scale studies of the educational process and analysis of the current state of the learning environment of universities of different levels and focus. The paper discusses approaches of Russian and foreign researchers to genesis and structure of learning environment and humanitarian learning environment, describes the content of such key terms as «monitoring», «monitoring in education», «management in education». The main monitoring indicators proposed are the students' satisfaction with the main parameters of the educational process (learning activities, extracurricular activities, research activities), assessment of the spatial-semantic component of the university, employers' satisfaction with the quality of graduates' training.Discussion and Conclusions. Management of the quality of education in a modern university is directly related to the systematic monitoring of the quality of its learning environment. The author comes to the conclusion that the diversity of targets of monitoring the quality of higher education determines the plurality of approaches to the procedure of its implementation. The accumulation of monitoring data makes it possible to formulate a scientifically grounded judgment about the quality of the university learning environment as a whole and identify promising directions for further development. The obtained data confirmed the need to expand the fundamental humanitarian component of higher education as the basis for a holistic and systemic perception of the world, which, in turn, implies the modernization of the principles of selection and systematization of knowledge, the search for new forms of their synthesis, as well as the active interaction of science, art, natural sciences and humanities.


Minin University

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