Tandem of philosophical anthropology and philosophy of education as a soil for the formation of professional identity


Kozlova T. A.1,Sulima I. I.1


1. Minin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University (Minin University)


Introduction. The problem of professional identity in modern socio-cultural conditions continues to be relevant and requires a non-surface, non-structural methodological and anthropological rethinking. The purpose of the article is to determine the role of the tandem of philosophical anthropology and philosophy of education in creating the ground for the formation of professional identity.Materials and Methods. The methodological principle of historicism is fundamental. The research methodology includes hermeneutical and systemic methods. The analysis and generalization of scientific research works on the philosophy of education and philosophical anthropology were also used.Results. A person from different metaphysical positions thinks about the issues of his own identity, his career aspirations and professional orientation. Modern society creates an environment for the development of an “informed person”, who is immersed in fundamentally different spheres of life. Philosophical anthropology in modern conditions acts as a practice of self-knowledge, the result of which should be contact with oneself, understanding one's goals and aspirations. The philosophy of education comprehends the trends of modern education, calls for a critical attitude to the newly created concepts of man, culture, and education. Professional identity gives an understanding and a sense of one's own "I" in professional development. Therefore, the task of the philosophy of education and philosophical anthropology is to harmonize the process of self-identification as much as possible. The tandem of the philosophy of education and philosophical anthropology reconciles the individual with the fundamental incompleteness of his being, looking for ways of harmonious development in the conditions of constant choice, constant search for his identity.Discussion and Conclusions. The task of both philosophers and educators is to create all the necessary conditions for the younger generation to cope with the challenge of the new era. Modern man needs not just to accumulate information about the world; he needs to know life itself: he wants to ask questions about its meaning, to see the boundaries of his own self, to talk about freedom and necessity, love and fidelity, understanding and loneliness. The relevance of philosophical anthropology lies in the fact that it acts as an arbiter between andragogy and pedagogy in a dialogue with the philosophy of education, since it asserts the main subject of a Person regardless of his social circumstances.


Minin University


General Medicine

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