1. University Paris-Sud (Paris 11), CNRS-UMR 8126, Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, France
2. Equipe 11 Labélisée par la Ligue Nationale Contre le Cancer, INSERM U1138, Centre de Recherche des Cordeliers, Paris, France, Metabolomics and Molecular Cell Biology Platforms, Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, France
3. Department of Pathology, Lariboisière Hospital, AP-HP, University Paris-Diderot Paris 7, Paris, France
4. Division of Molecular Medicine, Rudjer Boskovic Institute, Zagreb, Croatia
5. Department of Head and Neck surgery, Lariboisière Hospital, AP-HP, University Paris-Diderot Paris 7, Paris, France
6. Department of Biopathology, Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, France
7. Department of Neuropathology, New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY, USA