About the structure of the Kama-Kinel trough system


Gorozhanina E. N.1,Gorozhanin V. M.1,Zagranovskaya D. E.2,Zakharova O. A.2


1. Institute of Geology — Subdivision of the Ufa Federal Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IG UFRC RAS)

2. Gazpromneft Science & Technology Centre


Kama-Kinel Trough System (KKTS) — the structure formed in the Frasnian of the Late Devonian in the vast territory of the Volga-Ural province, is distinguished by the Upper Devonian — Lower Carboniferous deposits. The new interpretation of forming conditions of carbonate deposits in the KKTS has been given. The troughs of the KKST were formed in the Late Devonian as basin with gently sloping shelf zones. The deposits of the middle shelf (ramp), gently sinking into the side of the pool, where the layered accumulated precipitation are presented by bioclastic and intraclastic (lumpy) limestones and carbonate breccia, formed under the influence of storms. Three structural-facial zones, central, border and arched, allocated in the structure of deflections of the KKTS, reflect the structure of troughs formed as a result of tectonic restructuring at the beginning of the Visean and reactivated at the neotectonic stage. The uplift of the side zone considered as the reef buildups seem to be horst-shaped structures in fault zones. These features allow us to consider the structure of the KKTS as formed as a result of paleotectonic processes with the appropriate distribution of shallow and deep-water facies, subsequently changed as a result of reactivation of the basement faults.


Sergo Ordshonikidze University


General Chemical Engineering

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