Tectonic structure of the zone of conjugation of the Eastern European piatform and the Scythian plate (territory of the Rostov region)


Granovsky A. G.1,Granovskya N. V.1


1. Southern Federal University


The tectonic structure in the junction zone of the East European and Scythian platforms of Rostov region has been considered. Different ages and ranks of Precambrian and Phanerozoic tectonic structures, their correlation within the studied area and tectonic zoning scheme are presented. The structure and composition of rock complexes, formation conditions and their tectonic development stages are characterized. The East European platform within the described territory is represented by two disconnected fragments of the Russian Plate. The northern fragment is the south-eastern part of the Voronezh anteclise, located to the north of the Donetsk-Astrakhan tectonic suture. The southern fragment corresponds to the eastern dipping of the Pre-Paleozoic rocks of the Ukrainian shield, forming the buried Rostov ledge. The Scythian (Epihercynian) platform located to the south of the Donetsk-Astrakhan tectonic suture, is represented by a folded Paleozoic (in some places pre-middle-Jurassic) base and a platform cover of Mesozoic-Cenozoic rocks. The part of the Scythian platform is the exposed Donbass area, where Paleozoic rocks of the base of the platform protrude to the surface and form the Donetsk ledge. The northern part of the Scythian plate, which extends over the buried folds system of Donbass, is allocated from the south by Manych over-fault deflections and called «Karpinsky shaft». The system of the Manych deflections and the territory located to the south compile the Ciscaucasian part of the Scythian plate.


Sergo Ordshonikidze University


General Chemical Engineering

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1. Аlternative local stratigraphical scales of the Upper Miocene of the Rostov Dome;Proceedings of higher educational establishments. Geology and Exploration;2023-03-14








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