Sedimentary basins in the southeastern part of the Laptev sea and the adjacent area of the Siberian platform


Pavelkina D. A.1ORCID,Vysokolyan A. M.1ORCID,Lavrenova E. A.1ORCID,Shatyrov A. K.1ORCID


1. Sergo Ordzhonikidze Russian State University for Geological Prospecting


Background. The sedimentary cover of the Leno-Anabar trough and the adjacent Anabar-Khatanga saddle show signs of oil and gas bearing capacity, which indicates the presence of generation and accumulation hydrocarbon systems. In addition, the offshore area of the Laptev plate and the adjacent Siberian platform is promising in terms of oil and gas potential, since the sedimentary basins, including hydrocarbon systems, are characterized by a transboundary (onshore/offshore) position. Until now, the offshore and onshore parts of this area have been investigated separately. Such an approach significantly reduces the estimation accuracy of hydrocarbon potential. This determines the relevance of developing a unified regional geological model of the junction zone, which may serve as the basis for further oil and gas geological studies.Aim. Construction of a geological model to trace the development of sedimentary basins within the junction area of the Laptev plate and the Siberian platform.Materials and methods. Collection and analysis of published materials, as well as data from geological repositories related to geological, geophysical, and geochemical investigations of the sedimentary cover in the construction of a geoinformation database; development of a numerical geological model of the studied area; carrying out paleogeographic reconstructions with identification of the main depocenters and domains of consistent subsidence delineation; assessment of sedimentation rates of the main sedimentary complexes.Results. A unified geological model of the junction area of the Laptev plate and the Siberian Platform was created, enabling investigation of the sedimentary basins and delineation of the essential hydrocarbon system elements.


Sergo Ordshonikidze University

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