Validating the Korean shorter Diagnostic Thinking Inventory in medical education: a pilot study


Si JihyunORCID


Purpose: Developing clinical reasoning across the medical curriculum requires valid, reliable, and feasible assessment tools. However, few validated tools are available for the convenient and efficient quantification of clinical reasoning. Thus, this study aimed to create a shorter version of the Diagnostic Thinking Inventory (DTI) and validate it in the Korean medical education context (DTI-SK).Methods: The DTI-SK was constructed using content validity and a translation and back-translation process. It comprises two subcategories and 14 items. Its validity and reliability were explored using exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses, mean comparisons of four medical student groups (med 1 to med 4), and internal consistency using Cronbach’s α. Two hundred medical students were invited to participate through email, and the survey was administered for 2 weeks.Results: Data from 136 students were analyzed. Exploratory factor analysis revealed two factors with eigenvalues greater than 1.0 and they together explained 54.65% of the variance. Confirmatory factor analysis demonstrated that the model had acceptable level of fit and convergent validity. Discriminant validity was confirmed using heterotrait-monotrait criterion. Group comparisons demonstrated that the med 4 students showed significantly higher scores than the med 1 and 2 students. The inventory exhibited strong internal consistency for all items (Cronbach’s α=0.906).Conclusion: The findings indicated that the DTI-SK is a reliable and valid tool for measuring medical students’ clinical reasoning in the context of Korean medical education.


Dong-A University


Korean Society of Medical Education







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