Balance and Single-Leg Functional Performance in Taekwondo Athletes


Aldhabi Rawan,Albadi Majed,Alnajjar Moaaz,Fasihudden Abdulraouf,Vincent Heather K.


OBJECTIVE: To (1) describe static and dynamic functional performance (balance, hop performance) and magnitude of interlimb asymmetries (Limb Symmetry Index [LSI]) in young healthy taekwondo (TKD) athletes, and (2) evaluate relationships between balance and single-leg functional performance tests. METHODS: TKD athletes (N = 38; 21.5 ± 3.9 years; 55.3% female) were enrolled into this cross-sectional study. The Y-Balance Test (YBT), Single-Leg Stance Time Test (SLST), Single-Leg Hop Test (SLH), and Single-Leg Triple-Hop Test (SLTH) were administered. Pearson correlation coefficient was used to examine the relationship between static and dynamic balance with functional performance measures for each limb. RESULTS: Functional performance for each of the 4 tests was comparable between dominant and nondominant limbs with LSI % range (76.5-127.6). There were moderate positive correlations between single-leg hop tests and YBT-Posteromedial and YBT-Posterolateral scores (r range = 0.41-0.46; P values = .001-.005). The SLH and SLTH scores did not show significant correlation with the YBT-Anterior and composite reach scores ( P>.05). CONCLUSION: Young healthy taekwondo athletes demonstrated similar functional performance scores between dominant and nondominant limbs with low interlimb asymmetry. For assessment or screening of taekwondo athletes, both YBT and SLH tests can be administered, but the scores cannot be used interchangeably as they test different constructs. JOSPT Open 2024;2(2):148-155. Epub 15 January 2024. doi:10.2519/josptopen.2024.0914


Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy (JOSPT)







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