
Baykov A.V.,Petrosyan L.J.


In the rapidly developing world, medical education undergoes constant dynamic changes driven by the socio-economic factors, public demand, changes in the scope of responsibility of medical personell and, of course, the rapid advancements in medicine and science. Modern education is evolving towards creating educational environment, where students encounter real problems to be solved by applying acquired knowledge. This perfectly aligns with the “flipped classroom” learning model, wherein students engage in self-study through online learning materials prior to class followed by interactive group learning activities during class time. The purpose of the study is to elucidate the role of the “flipped classroom” learning model in higher medical education and to explore the possibilities of its implementation. Accessible online publications in English, Armenian and Russian (research and review articles, conference collections, reports) were reviewed. It has been found out that along with the development of IT, the “flipped classroom” model has become more applicable. It gives a student the opportunity to be independent, to work anywhere in a flexible mode, and to revise learning materials multiple times. The model contributes to an in-depth understanding of the topic, provides enough time for student-lecturer communication. The model increases student motivation. The implementation of the “flipped classroom” learning model in the University will require material investments, institutional subscription to electronic platforms, training of teaching staff, managerial and legal solutions. However, the implementation of the “flipped classroom” model ensures improvement of the professional qualities and satisfaction of future doctors.


Yerevan State Medical University

Reference48 articles.

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