
Еловикова Т.М.,Григорьев С.С.,Саблина С.Н.,Кощеев А.С.,Исмаилова С.Х.


The article presents a systemic analysis of clinical parameters in patients with gingival recession experience (GR).The study was carried out at the Department of Therapeutic Dentistry and Propedeutics of Dental Diseases (the Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education “Ural State Medical University” of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation), the Department of Simulation of Controlled Systems (the Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education “Ural Federal University”) and in outpatient settings on the basis of a dental clinic “TAKI-Dent” LLC (Yekaterinburg). The study involved 30 patients: 10 men (33.3%) and 20 women (66.7%), who consulted a dentist. The systemic analysis of clinical indicators of gingival recession revealed that the prevalence of mild gingival recession was 90%, and that of moderate – 10%. Gingival recession experienced by patients in the age group of 35-44 years old in 80% of cases belongs to class I, according to Miller, and in other 20% - to class III. Wedge-shaped defects were detected in the case of gingival recession in 76.7% of those examined, and were detected mainly in the central segment of the lower jaw and in the lateral sections of the upper jaw (p<0.05). It was ascertained that 50% of patients experience trauma of the gingival margin by overhanging edges of fillings and overhanging edges of crowns. Malocclusion was 60% (p<0.05). An important condition for the prevention of GR is monitoring the performance of individual oral hygiene, proper teeth cleaning and personification when prescribing personal hygiene products.


Yerevan State Medical University

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