Спивак Н.М.,Григорьев С.С.,Панфилов П.Е.,Зайцев Д.В.
The paper presents a comparative assessment of the deformation behavior of crown and root teeth removed for medical reasons in patients with the Sjogren’s syndrome, with the properties of intact teeth under conditions of uniaxial compression. Microscopic grading of vertical sections of teeth revealed areas of a scleroses in patients with the Sjogren’s syndrome. Mechanical tests have shown that dentin is a strong elastic and durable hard tissue capable of plastic deformation. At the same time, the strength characteristics of teeth with the Sjogren’s syndrome does not differ from healthy dentin. Based on this, it can be concluded that dentin in patient with Sjogren’s syndrome, both coronal and root, can be used as the basis for restoration.
Yerevan State Medical University
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