Influence Of Emotional Intelligence On Work-Family Role Conflict Management And Reduction In Withdrawal Intentions Of Workers In Private Organizations


Akintayo D.I.


This study investigated the impact of emotional intelligence on work-family role conflict management and reduction in withdrawal intentions among workers in private organizations in Nigeria. The descriptive survey was adopted for the study. A total of 321 respondents were selected using a purposive stratified sampling technique.  Three sets of questionnaires entitled ‘Emotional Intelligence Scale (EIS), Work-Family Role Conflict Management Scale (WFCMS) and Withdrawal Intentions Scales` (WIS) were utilized for data collection. The Pearson Product Moment Correlation and t-test statistics were utilized for data analysis. The findings of this study revealed that emotional intelligence has significant influence on work-family role conflict management. It was also found that a significant relationship does not exist between emotional intelligence and reduction in withdrawal intentions. Moreover, the findings showed that a significant relationship exists between work-family role conflict management and withdrawal intentions.  In order to possibly guarantee effective management of work-family role conflict and foster reduction in withdrawal intentions among the workforce, it is recommended that human resource training programmes that are capable of incorporating some work-oriented psychological issues, such as work-family role conflict management, employee retention strategies and emotional intelligence, should be organized for workers and managers on a continuous basis   in both service and manufacturing organizations.


Clute Institute

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