improvement of legislation in the field of protection and use of marine mammals


Ustyantseva Olga1,Vlasova Elena2


1. University of Tyumen

2. Saratov State University


The National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation defines biological diversity as a natio­nal asset requiring special legal protection. Significant declines in marine mammal populations over time have been adversely affected by commercial fishing experience, habitat degradation, fishing activities, acoustic disturbances and marine pollution. The paper presents some final results of the implementation of the scientific project «Legal Protection of Marine Mammals in the Russian Fede­ration: Status, Trends and Prospects». Gaps in the legislation have been identified and proposals for its improvement have been formulated: 1) in the sphere of circulation of marine animals: specify exceptional cases of catching animals listed in the Red Book, including for the provision of veterinary care; 2) in the field of their exploitation for cultural organizations: suspend the approval of quotas for the catch of cetaceans until up-to-date scientifically based information on their numbers is received and introduce a ban on the catch of marine mammals for cultural and edu­cational purposes; 3) in the field of involvement in the online trade in wild fauna objects: strengthening of legal liability for encroachments on marine mammals and the introduction of a criminal ban on the circulation of animals from state protection lists (CITES Convention, the Red Book of the Russian Federation, the Red Data Books of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 31.10. 2013 no. 978).


Russian Foundation for Basic Research

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