1. Revishvili ASh, Olovyannyj VE, Sazhin VP, Zaharova MA, Kuznecov AV, Mironova NL, Uhanov AV, Shelina NV. Hirurgicheskaja pomoshh’ v Rossijskoj Federacii. M.: FGBU «NMIC hirurgii im. A.V. Vishnevskogo»; 2020. (In Russ.)
2. Revishvili ASh, Olovyannyj VE, Sazhin VP, Kuznecov AV, Shelina NV, Ovechkin AI. Hirurgicheskaja pomoshh’ v Rossijskoj Federacii. M.: FGBU «NMIC hirurgii im. A.V. Vishnevskogo»; 2022. (In Russ.)
3. Repair of Massive Ventral Hernias with the Separation of Parts Technique: Reversal of the ‘Lost Domain’
4. Abdominal wall reconstruction
5. Open Retromuscular Mesh Repair of Complex Incisional Hernia: Predictors of Wound Events and Recurrence