1. Genetic counseling globally: Where are we now?
2. Genetic counselor training for the next generation: Where do we go from here?
3. The future is now: Technology's impact on the practice of genetic counseling
4. Postanovlenie Ministerstva zdravoohraneniya Respubliki Belarus’ ot 28.03.07 №26 «Ob utverzhdenii instrukcii o poryadke provedeniya mediko-geneticheskogo konsul’tirovaniya i obsledovaniya grazhdan v gosudarstvennyh organizaciyah». Accessed May 20, 2020. (In Russ.). https://www.minzdrav.gov.by
5. Postanovlenie Ministerstva zdravoohraneniya Respubliki Belarus’ ot12 sentyabrya 2008 g. №141 «O vnesenii izmenenij i dopolnenij v postanovlenie Ministerstva zdravoohraneniya Respubliki Belarus’ ot 28 marta 2007 g. №26». Accessed May 20, 2020. (In Russ.). https://www.minzdrav.gov.by