1. The EFLM strategy for harmonization of the preanalytical phase
2. GOST R ISO 15189-2015 'Laboratorii medicinskie. Chastnye trebovaniya k kachestvu i kompetentnosti'. Available at: http://docs.cntd.ru/document/1200119946. Accessed August 12, 2019. (In Russ.)
3. GOST R 53079.3-2008 'Tekhnologii laboratornye klinicheskie. Obespechenie kachestva klinicheskih laboratornyh issledovanij. Chast' 3. Pravila vzaimodejstviya personala klinicheskih podrazdelenij i kliniko-diagnosticheskih laboratorij medicinskih organizacij pri vypolnenii klinicheskih laboratornyh issledovanij'. Available at: http://docs.cntd.ru/document/1200069394. Accessed August 12, 2019. (In Russ.)
4. The detection and prevention of errors in laboratory medicine
5. CLSI. GP47-Ed1: management of critical- and significant-risk results. 1st Ed. Young A. Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute; 2015.