1. The role of the immunohistochemical investigations in the documentation of intravitality and severity of the gunshot injuries to the soft tissues
2. The principal and auxiliary immunohistochemical markers of intravital mechanical strangulation asphyxia
3. Reliability of the immunohistochemical estimation of vitality and injury age: analysis and perspectives for study
4. Fedulova MV, Kupriyanov DD. Aspekty opredeleniya prizhiznennosti povrezhdeniy myagkikh tkaney immunogistokhimicheskim metodom. Aktualnyye voprosy sudebno-meditsinskoy ekspertizy i prava. Sbornik nauchno-prakticheskikh statey Vypusk 11. Kazan. 2022. (In Russ.)
5. Fedulova MV, Kupriyanov DD. Perspektivy immunogistokhimicheskogo metoda diagnostiki prizhiznennosti povrezhdeniy myagkikh tkaney. Vekhi istorii Rossiĭskogo tsentra sudebno-meditsinskoĭ ekspertizy. K 90-letiyu so dnya obrazovaniya. Trudy Vserossiiskoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiyem. Tom 1., 21—22 oktyabrya 2021 goda, Moskva. pod obshch. red. d.m.n., prof. I.YU. Makarova. Tambov: OOO firma «YUlis»; 2021. (In Russ.)