Media Sphere Publishing Group
Reference24 articles.
1. Zuyev PP. Intramedulliarnyy osteosintez pri nesrosshikhsya perelomakh sredney treti diafiza bedrennoy kosti (eksperimentalno-klinicheskoye issledovaniye): Dis. ... kand. med. nauk. Saratov. 2019. (In Russ.)
2. Bakhmetyev VI. Mnozhestvennyye perelomy dlinnykh trubchatykh kostey nizhnikh konechnostey pri travme tupymi predmetami (Obosnovaniye morfologicheskikh kriteriyev mekhanizmov i posledovatelnosti perelomov): Dis. ... dok. med. nauk. Samara. 1992. (In Russ.)
3. Active numerical model of human body for reconstruction of falls from height
4. Forensic Biomechanical Analysis of Falls from Height Using Numerical Human Body Models*
5. The mathematical modeling of the injurious impact on the tibial bone for the evaluation of the conditions leading to its fracture