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2. Anikin IA, Diab KhM, Astashchenko SV, Karapetian RV, Mustivy IF. Reconstructive middle ear surgery with various ossiculoplasty variants in patients, who underwent canal wall-dawn mastoidectomy. Rossiiskaya otorinolaringologiya. 2012;58(3):10-17. (In Russ.)
3. Mileshina NA, Kurbatova EV, Lyakhova ES. Cholesteatoma of the outer and middle ear in children. Voprosy diagnostiki v pediatrii. 2011;3(4):46. (In Russ.)
4. Daikhes NA, Diab KhM, Varosyan EG, Pashchinina OA, Kondratchikov DS, Mikhalevich AE. The choice of tactics of surgical treatment for aggressive cholesteatoma. Vestnik Klinicheskoj bol’nitsy №51. 2017;5(S1):16-17. (In Russ.)
5. The effects of surgery type and different ossiculoplasty materials on the hearing results in cholesteatoma surgery