1. Acute respiratory viral infections in adults. Clinical guidelines. Approved by the decision of the Plenum of the Board of the National scientific society of infectious diseases on October 30, 2014. (In Russ.)
2. Selkova EP, Grenkova TA, Gudova NV, Oganesyan AS. Results on influenza and acute respiratory viral infection in the 2017-2018 epidemic seasons. Features of etiotropic therapy. RMJ (Russkij Medicinskij Zhurnal). Medicinskoe Obozrenie. 2018;11:49-53. (In Russ.)
3. Epidemiology of Viral Respiratory Tract Infections
4. Understanding the symptoms of the common cold and influenza
5. Epidemiology, Pathogenesis, and Treatment of the Common Cold