Lung Volume Dependence of Pharyngeal Cross-Sectional Area by Acoustic Pharyngometry


Kamal Ibrahim12


1. Cairo, Egypt

2. Otolaryngology Department, Police Authority Hospital.


Pharyngeal size and the dynamic behavior of the pharynx may be important factors in the modulation of pharyngeal airflow. There are two measures of pharyngeal function: changes in pharyngeal area with lung volume and changes in pharyngeal area in response to externally applied positive pressure. Both measurements have been used for the assessment of pharyngeal function, and both reflect pharyngeal “floppiness.” The aim of the present study was to examine the relationship between pharyngeal cross-sectional area, using acoustic reflection technique, and different lung volumes (tidal volume, inspiratory reserve volume, and expiratory reserve volume), to determine whether there are differences in mechanical properties of the pharynx of normal volunteers in response to changes in intrapharyngeal pressure. The acoustic technique was used to assess the pharyngeal cross-sectional area of 40 healthy volunteers (29 men and 11 women) at tidal volume, inspiratory reserve volume, and expiratory reserve volume. In men, the mean pharyngeal area at tidal volume was 3.191 cm2, the mean pharyngeal area at inspiratory reserve volume was 2.976 cm2, and the mean pharyngeal area at expiratory reserve volume was 2.975 cm2. In women, the corresponding pharyngeal area measurements were 2.832, 2.484, and 2.492 cm2. statistical analysis of results showed that men have a larger pharyngeal cross-sectional area and the pharyngeal airways of men and women act in a similar manner in response to changes in intrapharyngeal pressure, with men having a greater change. Examination of the pharyngeal compliance by acoustic pharyngometry adds to the potential of this technique as a tool for the evaluation of the pharyngeal airway in terms of area and dynamic behavior assessment. This may be of relevance in promotion of the development of upper airway assessment in patients with obstructive sleep apnea.


SAGE Publications



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