1. Anónimo. 1942. Potential insect enemies of guayule. Rubber Age. p. 482.
2. Borja, G., J. Garcia, T. Domínguez, J.A. de la Cruz, H. Mendiola, A. Salgado, J. Marroquín, R. Velázquez, R. Narvaez. 1961. Distribución y cobertura de Parthenium argentatum, guayule. México. INIF-SARH. Fic. 83.
3. Borror, D.J., D.M. Delong, C.A. Triplehorn. 1976. Introduction to the study of in-sects. Holt, Rihehart Winston. New York. 4th. ed. 852 p.
4. Borror, D.J., and R.E. White. 1970. A field guide to the insects of America North of Mexico. H.M. Co. Boston. 404 p.
5. Cassidy, T.P., U.E. Romney, W.D. Buchanan and G.T. York. 1950. Damage to guayule by insects and mites with notes of control. U.S.A. Cir. 852. 19 p.