1. Efficient CuInS2 solar cells from a rapid thermal process (RTP)
2. 9.2% efficient CuInS2 mini-module
3. R. Klenk, P. Dobson, M. Falz, N. Janke, J. Klaer, I. Luck, A. Pérez-Rodrı́guez, A. Romano-Rodrı́guez, R. Scheer, and E. Terzini, Paper presented at the 16th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, May 1-5, 2000, Glasgow, U.K.
4. K. Siemer, J. Klaer, I. Luck, J. Alvarez-Garcia, A. Pérez-Rodriguez, A. Romano-Rodriguez, and D. Bräunig, Paper presented at the PVSEC-11, Sapporo, Japan, 1999.
5. Microstructural characterisation of CuInS2 polycrystalline films sulfurised by rapid thermal processing