1. Metals Handbook: Surface Cleaning, Finishing and Coating, Vol. 5, 9th ed., American Society for Metals, Materials Park, OH (1982).
2. S. Wernick and R. Pinner,The Surface Treatment and Finishing of Aluminium and its Alloys, 5th ed., Finishing Publications, Teddington, U.K. (1986).
3. L. Friberg, G. F. Nordberg, and V. B. Vouk,Handbook of Toxicology of Metals, Vol. II, Elsevier, Amsterdam, (1986).
4. Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Aluminium Surface Science and Technology (ASST 2000), May 21-25, 2000, UMIST, Manchester, England.
5. The 200th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Inc., and the 52nd Meeting of The International Society of Electrochemistry, Sept 2-7, 2001, San Francisco, CA.