GIAHS Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems and the Mediterranean case Selge in the protection of rural-agricultural landscapes


ATİK Meryem1,TAŞKAN Gaye2,BALTA Sıla1





Objective: Rural landscapes that stand out for being solution areas in terms of adaptation to climate change and food security, and especially Selge Ancient settlement and agricultural terraces, which contain an example of agricultural landscapes that includes production systems in these areas, were examined within the scope of the Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) program. Material and Methods: The study method is based on the examination of the characteristics of GIAHS fields, the selection criteria of GIAHS systems, the nomination processes and action plans, and the fields included in the GIAHS program. Selge ancient agricultural terraces were evaluated under the headings in accordance with the criteria. Results: GIAHS is based on traditional agricultural systems and landscapes, and sustainable development is envisioned for globally unconventional traditional agricultural systems. For this reason, selection criteria are among the most important components of the candidacy process. Selge agricultural terraces meet the traditional agricultural systems and agricultural landscapes on which GIAHS is based, together with their tangible and intangible values. Conclusion: If the city of Selge is included in the GIAHS system, support will be provided for the measures expected to be taken and the suggestions brought about the traditional production methods and agricultural terraces, which stand out in the city.


The Journal of Ege University Faculty of Agriculture


General Materials Science

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