Study of design features of mobile charging units for electric transport for development of sketch design documentation


Safin A. R.1ORCID,Ivshin I. V.1,Tsvetkov A. N.1,Petrov T. I.1,Basenko V. R.1,Manakhov V. A.1


1. Kazan State Power Engineering University


THE PURPOSE. Charging infrastructure is one of the factors influencing the transition to electric vehicles, as the electric vehicles in operation are characterized by a small range and a long battery charge period. Today, the development of the charging infrastructure depends only on the networks of stationary charging stations, which also have disadvantages (high cost, lack of mobility, etc.). Therefore, the purpose of this work is to study the design features of mobile electric vehicle charge units (MCSEU) for the development of draft design documentation for the creation of a new MCSEU project. This issue includes the study of the world market of manufacturers of modern mobile chargers, the study of technical and operational features that are today presented to modern energy storage and storage systems.MATERIALS. The authors of the article processed and analyzed data on the current state of the charging infrastructure in Russia and the world, based on materials from Russian and foreign authors, as well as information on the development strategy of the electric transport industry in Russia and the world, in particular, data from Madison Gas and Electric.RESULTS. The obtained analytical results are one of the aspects that will be taken into account when developing mobile charging devices for electric vehicles. This mobile charger technology significantly expands the possibilities of using electric vehicles, in particular electric vehicles, and also solves various problems of the fuel and energy complex associated with autonomous power sources and distributed generation systems.CONCLUSION. The charging infrastructure is one of the factors influencing the transition to electric vehicles, as the electric vehicles in operation are characterized by a small range and a long period of charging the traction battery. However, this process will be long and in the near future networks of charging stations will be created, including mobile charging units for electric vehicles.


Kazan State Power Engineering University


Pharmacology (medical),Complementary and alternative medicine,Pharmaceutical Science

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