Research of the application of hydrogen as a fuel to improve energy and environmental performance of gas turbine plants


Sultanov M. M.1ORCID,Kuryanova E. V.1


1. Moscow Power Engineering Institute


THE PURPOSE. To consider various variants of thermal schemes of power plants and to assess the main technical and economic parameters. The article presents the results of the development of schemes of electric power plants with a capacity of up to 100 kW with a steam-generating hydrogen-oxygen plant for modeling and selecting effective options for thermal schemes of microgeneration power plants at the stage of design and development of energy systems. METHODS. The analysis of the proposed variants of thermal schemes with a hydrogen-oxygen steam generator, including circuit solutions of micro-gas turbine installations with a hydrogen-oxygen steam generator, a scheme of a steam-gas installation with a hydrogen-oxygen steam generator and intermediate steam superheating, a scheme of a steam-turbine installation with a hydrogen-oxygen steam generator, a scheme of a steam-turbine installation with a hydrogen-oxygen steam generator and a single-stage intermediate steam superheating, is performed, the scheme of a steam turbine installation with a hydrogen-oxygen steam generator and an intermediate superheat of steam and a steam cooler. RESULTS. A variant of the thermal scheme is proposed, which will allow determining the approach to estimating the fuel component of the production cost of heat and electricity for domestic power plants. The article describes a chemical method for producing hydrogen under laboratory conditions in hydrogen generators based on the hydrolysis of a solid reagent-aluminum-in a reaction vessel, in which the contact of aluminum particles occurs in the liquid phase of an aqueous solution of caustic soda. A feature of the proposed method is the possibility of regulating the flow rates in the supply lines of an aqueous suspension of aluminum and an aqueous solution of caustic soda, which can significantly improve the quality of regulation and reduce the cost of operating such systems. To a large extent, the creation of such systems becomes possible if there is a demand for the generated electrical energy, which determines the need to ensure high values of technical and economic indicators of the operation of power plants. CONCLUSHION. Calculated estimates have shown that the specific consumption of conventional fuel for the production of electric energy by microgeneration systems based on gas turbine units with a hydrogen generator with a capacity of 5-100 kW ranges from 0.098 to 0.117 kg/kWh.


Kazan State Power Engineering University


Pharmacology (medical),Complementary and alternative medicine,Pharmaceutical Science

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