Technical and economic justification for application of a soft start system for high-voltage electric motors of pumping units


Dadabaev S. T.1ORCID,Gracheva E. I.2


1. Khujand Polytechnic Institute of the Tajik Technical University named after academician M.S. Osimi

2. Kazan State Power Engineering University


THE PURPOSE. Development of a methodology for conducting a feasibility study when using a soft start system based on a current inverter for high-voltage electric motors of pumping units of irrigation pumping stations of the first lift.METHODS. Research and calculations were carried out in accordance with the algorithm for compiling the energy balance of pumping units, as well as using the analysis of statistical data.RESULTS. A feasibility study is presented for the feasibility of introducing soft start systems for irrigation pumping stations of the first lift, where, as a rule, powerful synchronous electric motors are installed. A method for determining the economic efficiency of systems or soft starters for electric drives of pumping stations is proposed. The rational use of an alternative soft starter based on a current inverter is substantiated.CONCLUSION. Determining the economic efficiency of introducing soft starters remains a difficult task, since the operating conditions of facilities require taking into account various influencing factors that are not always amenable to accurate assessment. This is the problem of developing a universal methodology for assessing the economic efficiency of introducing soft starters. The proposed methodology for determining the economic efficiency of such systems, based on known methods, complements and simplifies the process of calculations and computational algorithms.


Kazan State Power Engineering University


Pharmacology (medical),Complementary and alternative medicine,Pharmaceutical Science

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