Analysis of the structure of generating capacity and dynamics of electricity consumption in Sredne-Kamchatsky isolated power hub


Belov О. А.1,Fedorov O. V.2


1. Kamchatka State Technical University

2. Nizhny Novgorod State Technical Universityby R.E. Alekseev


THE PURPOSE. To examine the features of the location and the overall structure of theSredne-Kamchatskyisolated power hub. To considerthe structure of installed electric capacity and the composition of generating equipment of power plants in the mentioned power hub. To determine the composition and characteristics of the electric grid economy. To analyze and determine the main indicators of electricity consumption and capacity dynamics of the hub. To perform an analysis of the existing balance of power and electric energy, to determine the main technical and economic parameters of the power supply. To consider options for the power supply system development including on the basis of renewable energy sources. METHODS. When solving this problem, we usedmethods of mathematical processing of statistical data and methods of normative forecasting. RESULTS. We considered the special featuresof generating capacities and network infrastructure development,the issues ensuring the long-term and medium-term demand for electric energy and capacity, the formation of stable and favorable conditions for attracting investment in the construction of electric power facilities.The study calculated the current and prospective balances of electricity and capacity in the discussed power hubbased on the analysis of the energy structure of an isolated power unit and the dynamics of electricity consumption. CONCLUSION. Any failure in an isolated system leads to dangerous crisis phenomena and significant economic losses. Thus it is important to provide reliable and efficient power supply to energy isolated territories. The presented comprehensive assessment of the state of the electric power industry in the isolated Sredne-Kamchatsky power plant allows us to predict the prospects for its development within the framework of the overall development of the electric power complex of the Kamchatka Territory.


Kazan State Power Engineering University


Pharmacology (medical),Complementary and alternative medicine,Pharmaceutical Science

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