1. Solodky EM, Kazantsev P, Dadenkov D.A. Energy-efficient oil production management system of a rod pumping unit . Scientific and Technical Bulletin of the Volga region. 2018;12:292-295.
2. Boyko BP, Tyurin VA. Signal spectrum: an educational and methodical manual. Kazan: Kazan Federal University, 2014. 38 p.
3. Sergienko AB. Digital signal processing: textbook. stipend. 3rd ed. St. Petersburg: BHV-Petersburg, 2011. 768 p. (Educational literature for universities). ISBN 978-5-9775-0606-9. EBS «Znanium».
4. Podlesny SA, Zander FV. Devices for receiving and processing signals [Electronic resource] / Krasnoyarsk: Sib. feder. un-t, 2011. 352 p. ISBN 978-5-7638-2263-2. EBS «Znanium».
5. Anuchin AS. Control systems of electric drives. M.: MEI, 2015. 378 p.