1. Bratsk State University
2. Irkutsk State Transport University; Irkutsk National Research Technical University
3. National Research University "MEI"; Irkutsk National Research Technical University
THE PURPOSE. A study of the influence of coordinated control of electricity storage devices and distributed generation installations on the operating modes of a network cluster, which is an electrical distribution network connected to the AC railway power supply system through a direct current insert (DCI).METHODS. The studies were carried out using a simulation model implemented in the MATLAB system.RESULTS. The following disturbing influences were considered: turning off the main power supply of the network cluster from the DCI side for 0.5 seconds; three-phase short circuit with a duration of 0.5 s at the end of a 6 kV cable line with a length of two kilometers. The simulation results showed the effectiveness of coordinated control of electricity storage devices and a turbogenerator with self-adjusting predictive controllers. On this basis, the values of overshoot of the rotor speed are reduced and the transient process time is reduced for all parameters in various modes. For example, the transient time for the generator rotor speed in the mode of connecting an additional load is reduced by three times, and for voltage - by two times.CONCLUSION. Based on computer modeling, it is shown that coordinated control of electricity storage devices and a turbogenerator with predictive regulators reduces the amount of rotor speed overshoot to almost zero and reduces the transient process time by almost 90%. It is advisable to conduct further research on the application of the method of coordinated control of active elements used in the power supply system to regulate the mode parameters.
Kazan State Power Engineering University
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