Xylene is an aromatic hydrocarbon known for its wide usage in tissue processing which has many hazardous effects.
To compare the efficacy of xylene free sections deparaffinized with dish washing soap and diluted lemon water and compare them.
Materials and Methods:
Using twenty paraffin embedded tissue blocks, three sections each were prepared. One section was stained with conventional H &E method (Group A) and the other two sections with xylene-free (XF) H & E (Groups B and C). Staining characteristics were compared with xylene and scoring was given.
There is appreciable nuclear stain, cytoplasmic staining, staining clarity with dishwash and diluted lemon water solution with p value <0.001 in comparison with xylene.
This study shows good result in terms of nuclear staining, cytoplasmic staining, and clarity of staining, liquid soap with lemon can be used as alternate to xylene.