Mohamad Qulam Zaki Bin Mohamad Rasidi
Aim and objectives: The aim of this research is to find out current knowledge and awareness on prescription drug advertisement among dental students especially in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. This helps in gaining knowledge on dental student's awareness in drug advertising based on their previous and current knowledge in medical field.
Materials and Methods: Questionnaire consisting of 15 questions are given through online communication system (Whatsapp Apps) with attached link to the online questionnaire that had been prepared earlier ( 120 students from 4 dental institutions in Chennai took part in this survey.
Results: Awareness of dental students in Chennai is calculated based on their best answer response toward the prescription drug advertising based on their current knowledge. Collecting all responses, most of them heard or have seen prescription drug advertisement from television (31.67%) and internet (29.17%). Other students have heard about it on television or seen it through newspaper (16.67%), magazines (29.17%), and 10.00% students have not heard or seen any advertisement about it. Majority of students (58.33%) do not know what content are not required to be advertised, and 41.67% knew about it. Most of the respondents (35.00%) are not sure about the drug advertising regulations in their country, 34.17% are not aware and only 30.83% claimed that they are aware about the regulations. All of the respondents (100%) recommend the patients for specialist consultation before taking any drugs.
Conclusion: The prescription drug advertisement is very important in dental health care because it will determine the success of any treatment done. The misuse of prescription drugs may lead to negative consequences that may affect the treatment. The higher percentage of awareness might be due to the knowledge the students acquire of dental syllabus before entering the clinical years.
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