Rainbow Matchings in $r$-Partite $r$-Graphs


Aharoni Ron,Berger Eli


Given a collection of matchings ${\cal M} = (M_1, M_2, \ldots, M_q)$ (repetitions allowed), a matching $M$ contained in $\bigcup {\cal M}$ is said to be $s$-rainbow for ${\cal M}$ if it contains representatives from $s$ matchings $M_i$ (where each edge is allowed to represent just one $M_i$). Formally, this means that there is a function $\phi: M \to [q]$ such that $e \in M_{\phi(e)}$ for all $e \in M$, and $|Im(\phi)|\ge s$. Let $f(r,s,t)$ be the maximal $k$ for which there exists a set of $k$ matchings of size $t$ in some $r$-partite hypergraph, such that there is no $s$-rainbow matching of size $t$. We prove that $f(r,s,t)\ge 2^{r-1}(s-1)$, make the conjecture that equality holds for all values of $r,s$ and $t$ and prove the conjecture when $r=2$ or $s=t=2$. In the case $r=3$, a stronger conjecture is that in a $3$-partite $3$-graph if all vertex degrees in one side (say $V_1$) are strictly larger than all vertex degrees in the other two sides, then there exists a matching of $V_1$. This conjecture is at the same time also a strengthening of a famous conjecture, described below, of Ryser, Brualdi and Stein. We prove a weaker version, in which the degrees in $V_1$ are at least twice as large as the degrees in the other sides. We also formulate a related conjecture on edge colorings of $3$-partite $3$-graphs and prove a similarly weakened version.


The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics


Computational Theory and Mathematics,Geometry and Topology,Theoretical Computer Science,Applied Mathematics,Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics

Cited by 36 articles. 订阅此论文施引文献 订阅此论文施引文献,注册后可以免费订阅5篇论文的施引文献,订阅后可以查看论文全部施引文献

1. Rainbow independent sets in certain classes of graphs;Journal of Graph Theory;2023-05-25

2. Rainbow structures in a collection of graphs with degree conditions;Journal of Graph Theory;2023-04-23

3. Rainbow independent sets in graphs with maximum degree two;Discrete Applied Mathematics;2022-08

4. Short Proofs of Rainbow Matchings Results;International Mathematics Research Notices;2022-07-17

5. Rainbow Perfect Matchings for 4-Uniform Hypergraphs;SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics;2022-07-14








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