The Norton product is defined on each eigenspace of a distance regular graph by the orthogonal projection of the entry-wise product. The resulting algebra, known as the Norton algebra, is a commutative nonassociative algebra that is useful in group theory due to its interesting automorphism group. We provide a formula for the Norton product on each eigenspace of a Hamming graph using linear characters. We construct a large subgroup of automorphisms of the Norton algebra of a Hamming graph and completely describe the automorphism group in some cases. We also show that the Norton product on each eigenspace of a Hamming graph is as nonassociative as possible, except for some special cases in which it is either associative or equally as nonassociative as the so-called double minus operation previously studied by the author, Mickey, and Xu. Our results restrict to the hypercubes and extend to the halved and/or folded cubes, the bilinear forms graphs, and more generally, all Cayley graphs of finite abelian groups.
The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics
Computational Theory and Mathematics,Geometry and Topology,Theoretical Computer Science,Applied Mathematics,Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics
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