Generalized Riemann Functions, Their Weights, and the Complete Graph


Folinsbee Nicolas,Friedman Joel


By a Riemann function we mean a function $f:\mathbb{Z}^n\to\mathbb{Z}$ such that $f(\mathbf{d})$ is equals $0$ for $d_1+\cdots+d_n$ sufficiently small, and equals $d_1+\cdots+d_n+C$ for a constant, $C$, for $d_1+\cdots+d_n$ sufficiently large. By adding $1$ to the Baker-Norine rank function of a graph, one gets an equivalent Riemann function, and similarly for related rank functions. To each Riemann function we associate a related function $W: \mathbb{Z}^n\to \mathbb{Z}$ via Möbius inversion that we call the weight of the Riemann function. We give evidence that the weight seems to organize the structure of a Riemann function in a simpler way: first, a Riemann function $f$ satisfies a Riemann-Roch formula iff its weight satisfies a simpler symmetry condition. Second, we will calculate the weight of the Baker-Norine rank for certain graphs and show that the weight function is quite simple to describe; we do this for graphs on two vertices and for complete graphs. For complete graphs, we build on the work of Cori and Le Borgne who gave a linear time method to compute the Baker-Norine rank of the complete graph. The associated weight function has a simple formula and is extremely sparse (i.e., mostly zero). Our computation of the weight function leads to a new linear time algorithm to compute the Baker-Norine rank, via a new formula likely related to one of Cori and Le Borgne, but seemingly simpler for general $\mathbf{d}\in \mathbb{Z}^n$, namely$$r_{{\rm BN},K_n}(\mathbf{d}) =-1+\biggl| \biggl\{ i=0,\ldots,\deg(\mathbf{d}) \ \Bigm|\ \sum_{j=1}^{n-2} \bigl( (d_j-d_{n-1}+i) \bmod n \bigr) \le \deg(\mathbf{d})-i\biggr\} \biggr|.$$However, the formula of Cori and Le Borgne, which requires $\mathbf{d}\in \mathbb{Z}^n$ to be a sorted parking function, is easier to evaluate for such $\mathbf{d}$. Our study of weight functions leads to a natural generalization of Riemann functions, with many of the same properties exhibited by Riemann functions.


The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics


Computational Theory and Mathematics,Geometry and Topology,Theoretical Computer Science,Applied Mathematics,Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics







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