1. Dept. of PathophysiologyVienna General HospitalUniversity of ViennaMedical SchoolA‐1090ViennaAustria
2. Inst. of Molecular BiologyAcademy of SciencesA‐5020SalzburgAustria
3. Swiss Institute of Allergy and Asthma ResearchCH‐7270DavosSwitzerland
4. Dept. of Vascular BiologyUniversity of ViennaMedical SchoolA‐1090ViennaAustria
5. Medical School University of CreteHeraklio71100Greece
6. Molecular Structure DivisionNational Inst. for Medical ResearchLondonNW7 1AAUK
7. International Centre for Genetic Engineering and BiotechnologyI‐34012TriesteItaly
8. Div. of Hematology and HemostaseologyDept. of Internal Medicine IVienna General HospitalUniversity of ViennaMedical SchoolA‐1090ViennaAustria