RIPK necrotic cell death pathway in both donor photoreceptor and host immune cells synergize to affect photoreceptor graft survival


Maidana Daniel E.12ORCID,Gonzalez‐Buendia Lucia1,Miller Joan W.1,Vavvas Demetrios G.1ORCID


1. Retina Service, Ines and Fredrick Yeatts Retinal Research Laboratory, Department of Ophthalmology Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, Harvard Medical School Massachusetts Boston USA

2. Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences University of Illinois at Chicago Chicago Illinois USA


AbstractPhotoreceptor transplant has been put forward as a repair strategy to tackle degenerated retinas. Nonetheless, cell death and immune rejection seriously limit the success of this strategy, with only a small fraction of transplanted cells surviving. Improving the survival of transplanted cells is of critical importance. Recent evidence has identified receptor‐interacting protein kinase 3 (RIPK3) as a molecular trigger controlling necroptotic cell death and inflammation. However, its role in photoreceptor transplantation and regenerative medicine has not been studied. We hypothesized that modulation of RIPK3 to address both cell death and immunity could have advantageous effects on photoreceptor survival. In a model of inherited retinal degeneration, deletion of RIPK3 in donor photoreceptor precursors significantly increases the survival of transplanted cells. Simultaneous RIPK3 deletion in donor photoreceptors and recipients maximizes graft survival. Lastly, to discern the role of RIPK3 in the host immune response, bone marrow transplant experiments demonstrated that peripheral immune cell RIPK3 deficiency is protective for both donor and host photoreceptor survival. Interestingly, this finding is independent of photoreceptor transplantation, as the peripheral protective effect is also observed in an additional retinal detachment photoreceptor degeneration model. Altogether, these results indicate that immunomodulatory and neuroprotective strategies targeting the RIPK3 pathway can aid regenerative therapies of photoreceptor transplantation.



Fundación Alfonso Martín Escudero

National Eye Institute

Research to Prevent Blindness




Genetics,Molecular Biology,Biochemistry,Biotechnology







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