1. William Harvey Research InstituteBarts and The London School of Medicine and DentistryQueen Mary University of LondonLondonUK
2. Department of Genetics and Cell BiologySan Raffaele Scientific InstituteMilanItaly
3. Department of NeurologySan Raffaele Scientific InstituteMilanItaly
4. Centre for Neuroscience and TraumaBarts and The London School of Medicine and DentistryQueen Mary University of LondonLondonUK
5. Cardiovascular DivisionKing's College LondonLondonUK
6. Centre of Integrative BiomedicineKing's College LondonLondonUK
7. Department of MedicineUniversity DresdenDresdenGermany
8. Department of PhysiologyUniversity DresdenDresdenGermany
9. Centre Médical UniversitaireGenevaSwitzerland