1. Department of Internal Medicine and Clinical NutritionInstitute of MedicineCentre for Bone and Arthritis Research at the Sahlgrenska AcademyUniversity of GothenburgGothenburgSweden
2. Department of Internal MedicineErasmus University RotterdamRotterdamThe Netherlands
3. Bone Biology Research GroupSchool of DentistrySão Paulo State University (UNESP)AraraquaraBrazil
4. Department of Anatomy and Cell BiologyFaculty of MedicineInstitute of Cancer Research and Translational MedicineUniversity of OuluOuluFinland
5. Institute of General Zoology and EndocrinologyUniversity of UlmUlmGermany
6. INSERMUnité 1016Institut CochinUniversité Paris DescartesSorbonne Paris CitéParisFrance
7. Equipe Labellisée Ligue Nationale contre le CancerParisFrance
8. School of DentistryFederal University of GoiásGoiâniaBrazil