1. Museum of Victims of Political Repressions
The article analyzes the pedagogical works of Akhmet Baitursynuly. In the innovative works of the great teacher of the nation, who was born on the Kazakh land, each scientific concept was given a nominal value, and the integral terminological system of Kazakh linguistics and literary studies was formed.
A.Baitursynulу Institute of Linguistics
Reference3 articles.
1. «Қazaқ» gazetі, 1914, № 61, 9 mai. – 4 b.
2. Baitұrsynұly A. Қazaқ tіl bіlіmіnің mәselelerі. Almaty, 2013, 13-14-bb.
3. «Қazaқ» gazetі, 1914, №62, 17 mai. –2 b.