Chronic psycho-emotional stress has a permanent negative impact on the psycho-emotional state and cognitive function of the population of the Kyiv region. The purpose of the study was to find out the effect of the course application of the composition of polyvalent nanodisperse iron oxide and quercetin on the psycho-emotional state and cognitive functioning of women who were in conditions of psycho-emotional stress as a result of the Russian-Ukrainian war. The study included 56 women aged 40-74 years who had been in the Kyiv region without permission since the beginning of the Russian-Ukrainian war (February 24, 2022). After the examination, the women were divided into two groups, 28 people each, which did not differ among themselves regarding indicators. The women of the first group took a nanocomposite (dietary supplement "LisoferrinTM") for a month, consisting of polyvalent nanodispersed iron oxide, quercetin and ascorbic acid. Women in the control group took a placebo for a month. The psycho-emotional state was determined using the PLC-5 scale and the Beck depression scale, the Spielberger-Hanin test, and cognitive functions were determined using the Montreal Cognitive Function Assessment Scale (MoCA), the Schulte test, and the reaction speed test. After the course the use of lysoferrin, an improvement in the general condition of the examinees was found, a decrease in body stress, the level of situational and personal anxiety, the level of depression, as well as an increase in the overall score of the Montreal test and a decrease in the time for completing the task in the Schulthei test, which indicates an improvement in mental functions.
Keywords: psycho-emotional state; quercetin; mental capacity
State Institution - D. F. Chebotarev Institute of Gerontology NAMS of Ukraine