1. ICH (2007) Impurities: Guideline for Residual Solvents Q3C(R4) International conference on harmonization
2. United States Pharmacopeia (2009), USP31/NF26 - General chapter < 467 > Residual Solvents
3. European Pharmacopeia. (2007) 6.0 Identification and control of residual solvents 2.4.24, Residual solvents 5.4
4. Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) (2009) Guidance on Residual solvents in the drug products marketed in the united states Food and Drug Administration
5. EDQM Europe (2007), Content of the dossier for chemical purity and microbial quality, PA/PH/CEP (04) 1 4R