Features of phyllophages’ trophic activity in green stands of Kharkiv City (Ukraine)


Kardash E. S.1ORCID


1. H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University


The results of assessment of phyllophages’ trophic activity in the green stands of the City of Kharkiv with various anthropogenic influences are presented. The proportion of the leaf area removed by phyllophages with an open lifestyle was the highest in elm, ash, and oak, by miners — in oak and linden, by sucking species — in linden, and by gallers — in linden, elm, and oak. The average proportions of leaves with damage caused by phyllophages with an open lifestyle in houses’ yards do not differ from street ones, decrease from a forest park to parks and streets, in well-kept parks it is less than in unkempt ones, in streets in the city center — less than on the periphery, and in streets with heavy traffic — less than with weak one. The indicator of the average removal of leaves by phyllophages with an open lifestyle in the surveyed stands of the City of Kharkiv does not exceed 10%, that is, there is no threat to the sanitary condition of trees.


Kharkiv Entomological Society

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